Monday, September 21, 2015

Friends of the Earth: Bees 101 Webinar

Sign in and listen to the talk and slide show. Bee Swarm East Bay is part of the talk! Find out what you can do in your own neighborhood!!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Today, March Against Monsanto!

Continue to voice your concern over Genetically Modified Foods, Over Use of Pesticides and Destructive Agricultural Practices! MARCH TODAY! 



Go to FACEBOOK and Type in March Against Monsanto to find a march near you!

Today in Oakland and San Francisco! 

March Against Monsanto Oakland - Real Food For All!
March Against Monsanto. March for food freedom! San Francisco


Friday, February 6, 2015

If you need a Ride to the Climate March tomorrow in Oakland!

There is an organized Ride Program for tomorrow's March. 
The Gods of Rain are going to give us a window of opportunity so dress as your favorite organism and march to save the climate and stop fracking in California!

Bill Moyers Posts a Comprehensive Article on Honeybee Die Off

Bill Moyers Has just published an article on the causes of the Honeybee die off. Climate change, poor diet from monocrop practices, and pesticides just part of the issue.

Read the whole article:

And join us at the CLIMATE CHANGE MARCH tomorrow! At Frank Ogawa Plaza in Oakland!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Join ANIMALS AGAINST EXTINCTION at the Oakland Climate March on February 7th

Dress as your Favorite Pollinator 

for the Oakland Climate March

Dress up in costume and join the  ANIMALS AGAINST EXTINCTION contingent at the March on Saturday February 7th. There will be music and dancing and lots of masks and costumes! 

When and Where? Meet up at the top edge of Frank Ogawa Plaza at 10:30 AM (see map) on February 7th (Saturday),-122.2768941,17z/data=!4m2!5m1!1b1  

Wear a costume! And bring a sign! The Bee Swarm will be swarming there so invite your friends! There will bee music and lots of different costumes and masks participating!

For more information on the March go to:

Monday, January 19, 2015


March Against Monsanto will happen again this year on May 23rd in San Francisco!

Bee Against Monsanto and Bee Swarm East Bay will bee participating again this year.
We will bee posting updates on this blog or you can go to FaceBook:

There will also bee a posting updated on GreenPeace Greenwire as well.